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Best Ways of Tracking Travel Expenses During a Trip

So, you are searching for the best ways of tracking travel expenses while traveling?
Notebooks, spreadsheets, receipts, Android app or iPhone apps perhaps?

Something that will help you with expense management?

I know what you mean! I traveled solo and in a group. I traveled for work and I work as a tour guide. And while we can all agree that traveling is an incredible experience, it can also be a source of stress and worry. That is where tracking travel expenses come into play, so you won’t end up spending more than you had originally planned.

☕ If you have been wondering “What male celebrity would Anja like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?”, you will find the answer hidden in the blog.

Keeping track of all the costs associated with a trip can be a challenge.

That is why we are going to learn how to track travel expenses, including using money-tracking apps, writing everything down in a notebook or spreadsheet, and making sure you keep or take a photo of your receipts. You will also learn why you should track your expenses and tips on how to get started.

Now, find out how to get the most out of your trip without ruining your budget, and find the best ways to track travel expenses.

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1. Why track travel expenses

Traveling the world is fun and exciting. But that excitement can trick us into overspending and travel costs can easily add up if we are not careful. Which can lead to a source of stress and worry. That is why tracking expenses is beneficial for a few reasons.

1.1. Staying on budget

You most probably predicted, how much money you can spend. Tracking expenses will help you to stay on budget. It will help you to avoid overspending. This might be especially helpful if you are on a tight budget and traveling for a longer period of time.

My general rule of thumb is to plan $100-$130 per day. Depending on the destination I am going to. Without flights. I do have a backup but if possible, I try not to go over that number. When tracking my travel costs I feel more in control, because I can see where my money is going and what I am spending money on.

1.2. Work reimbursement

If you are traveling for work tracking travel expenses is crucial. If you are on a work trip this case, keep your receipts, parking tickets, and other documents. With those, your employer may reimburse you for the cost of travel expenses.

When I’m on a tour with a group, I write down every cent. From the costs of entrance fees, transport costs, and accommodation. I also write down the cost of a water bottle, coffee, meal price, and even souvenirs. Knowing this information helps us with future planning.

1.3. Future planning

Tracking travel costs is beneficial for future planning. It will give you a better idea of how much you spend on your travels. You will find out how much you spend on food, what type of accommodation you prefer, and what your travel style is. That way, it will be easier to set a budget for future trips.

Tracking travel expenses helps when I’m preparing a trip for a travel agency, so we can calculate the costs accordingly. Plus we can better advise customers traveling with us how much spending money they should bring.

Expense management is also helpful when I travel solo. I prefer mid-range accommodation (not the cheapest hostel) and do splurge on a fancy meal now and then.

1.4. Tax purposes

If traveling is part of your business, you may be able to deduct some of your travel expenses from your taxes. That depends on where you are coming from and where your tax residency is. However, in order to do this, you need to have accurate records, with receipts, and tickets, of your expenses.

1.5. BONUS: Write travel expense blog posts

Ok, this one will apply to you if you own a blog or a website. Knowing how much you spend on a trip can be more helpful than you think. We don’t all have the same travel style, food or accommodation preferences, but knowing an approximate number is a good starting point.

If someone reads my Japan, Vanuatu or Zanzibar budget breakdown, they will find out what I spend the most money on and how much I paid. Not just that, they will also get a sense of my travel style, where I stayed, what I ate, and the tours I went to.

That can help someone to compare their travel style with mine and see where we match and where we don’t. And then over or underbudget the amount that I spent on that particular destination.

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2. Tips to track expenses when traveling

My best advice is to write down expenses as soon as possible. Especially when paying with cash! The latest at the end of the day. Otherwise, and the chances are quite high, you will forget the cost of things. With card payments, you can always look at your pay slips.

The second best advice would be to find your own way of expense tracking. Maybe not what you were expecting but we are all different. So what works for me, might not work for you. I am very visual, so I have to ‘see things’. That is why I love to use spreadsheets, write down my expenses, take photos, and collect entry tickets.

I use a lot of travel apps when I go abroad. But for some reason, I am not a fan of travel expense-tracking apps. Tried so many already but wasn’t able to find the one that I like. That might be different for you.

Find a system that will feel, easy, simple, and time-efficient. You don’t want to make tracking expenses a challenge.

Below you will find the best ways of tracking travel expenses that feel the most suitable for you.

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3. Best ways of tracking travel expenses

3.1. Keep a travel journal

The old-fashioned pen-and-paper method of tracking expenses. A travel journal can serve as a comprehensive record of your daily expenses, including transportation, lodging, meals, and other activities.

I always travel with my BUJO or bullet journal. I have pages dedicated to a specific journey. I draw a table and then put all of my expenses in it. Sometimes I printed a spreadsheet and glue it (next to all the other memorabilia) inside that travel journal.

To keep things easier, I always follow the same principle, writing down the date, place, what I bought, and the amount. Later on, I added a special category column where I put an x, so it was easier to sort things out when I was combining all of my expenses.

This is still my preferred method of tracking travel expenses. I just like to have all of it written down and to have a travel journal I can hold and flip through whenever I want. Inside my travel journal, there is also an itinerary page, map page, tips, and notes collected from that trip.

Easy ways to track your travel expenses. from Google Sheets, spreadsheets, notebooks, paying with cash, travel journal, smartphone apps, and more. Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods, tips and tricks from budget planning and saving money when traveling. Click to learn more. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

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Photo from my Travel Journal when I was in Japan.

3.2. Write Notes on your smartphone

Since opening a notebook and writing down everything in it is not the most practical solution, maybe try to use Notes on your smartphone. Our phones are always ‘attached’ to us, so this method is fast and easy. And always on hand. Even for business travelers.

I started using Notes on my iPhone because it is a faster way than writing it down. Plus, my notes sync automatically to my iCloud and can check them everywhere. Even when I am without my phone. This is a bit hard if you lose your travel journal, or don’t have it with you.

The system of tracing that works best for me is to write 1 Note and inside include all the expenses. I also tried creating travel expense notes for each day individually but it was harder to find them when I needed them. Now I put them all in one, write a date and then follow the same system as in the notebook using bullet points; Where, What, how much, and category. In the end, I will also add expenses in home currency.

Do you find it difficult to track travel expenses when traveling? Keep your travel budget under control and make the most of your trip with these simple tips. Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide which will make it easy for you to track your travel expenses so you are actually aware of how much you are spending daily. Click to get started. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

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Different ways of tracking travel expenses; spreadsheet, photos and Notes.

3.3. Keep receipts and tickets

Keeping receipts of all your expenses can be a great way to track your spending during a trip. You can store your receipts in an envelope or a dedicated travel wallet and use them to justify your business expenses at the end of your trip. Plus, if they can be great memorabilia.

If I get a ticket or a receipt I always take it. Then, at the end of the day, I clean my ‘bag’ of all the papers and trash collected. If I like the receipt (meaning, if there is a special memory attached to it, I will keep it) and write the amount spent in my Notes or travel journal. I do the same with entry tickets.

The good thing about taking them is that the amount spent is written on them, so you will always know how much you spent on something. 

What are the best and easy methods to track travel expenses and stay on budget? Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods from spreadsheets, keeping receipts, using a travel journal, and a selection of travel apps. They will help you to fully enjoy your vacation without money problems. Click to learn more. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

#travelexpenses #budgettravel #travelbudget #traveljournal #bujo
Some of my receipts and tickets memorabilia collection.

3.4. Take photos of menus, receipts, info boards

If the options mentioned above are way too time-consuming for you, then this might be a solution. Whenever you pay for something, take a photo. Take a photo of the menu, a photo of the end bill amount, a photo of the info board where you have to pay an entrance fee, museums, parking tickets …

Photos will be saved to your camera roll, with time and date. So, when checking out how much something was and how much you paid, you will be able to find it in no time. This is super helpful if you travel for business.

I use this method in places where you don’t get a receipt anymore, like supermarkets. Or if there is only one receipt for a group of people. Or if I am in a hurry and don’t have time to write something down.

Easy ways to track your travel expenses. from Google Sheets, spreadsheets, notebooks, paying with cash, travel journal, smartphone apps, and more. Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods, tips and tricks from budget planning and saving money when traveling. Click to learn more. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

#travelexpenses #budgettravel #travelbudget #traveljournal #bujo
Photo of a Menu from a Mexican restaurant Fiesta Mexicana in Page, Arizona.

3.5. Pay with cash only

Paying only with cash can be a solution if you are traveling for a short period of time. If you are visiting countries where you can’t use cards everywhere, or where you would be charged extremely high fees for overseas transactions. Or where cash is still a preferred type of payment.

With this method, you insert an amount of cash in an envelope for each day, according to your travel budget. Let’s say, if you travel for 5 days and you plan to spend $100 each day, you would put $100 in each envelope. That would be your spending money for the day. Bonus points if you can add a piece of paper and still write down what you used that money for.

Cash envelopes will also keep you from carrying around all your money. You can leave the rest in your hotel safe or have it in a safe place in your backpack or money belt.

I use this method on shorter trips or when I travel with a group and have to pay for things in cash. I organize money beforehand. That way I know how much I need to have on a certain day (to not spend more) and know how much money I have to bring with me, so I can leave the rest of it in a hotel safe.

☕”What male celebrity would Anja like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?” Tough one, but I would go for Tom Hanks and Chris Evans.

Do you find it difficult to track travel expenses when traveling? Keep your travel budget under control and make the most of your trip with these simple tips. Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide which will make it easy for you to track your travel expenses so you are actually aware of how much you are spending daily. Click to get started. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

#travelexpenses #trackyourtravelspending #travelbudget #traveljournal #bujo

3.6. Use a spreadsheet

A spreadsheet is another expense tracking method. You can create one in your travel journal, print one out and glue it to your notebook, or create a travel budget spreadsheet in Excel or Google Sheets. You can categorize your expenses (transportation, accommodation, food, and activities) and input the date, amount, and description of each expense.

This is my preferred method when combining all the travel expenses. Of all the options available online, I like the travel budget Google spreadsheet from Templatables by Creative Jam.

They are practical, adjustable, easy to use, and very visual. Suitable for everyone, even for those who are not the best in sheets.

Now, in 99,9% of the time I book my accommodation before my trip through  I do the same with tours booked through GetYourGuide or Viator. Since I can use Google spreadsheet on my desktop and phone, can insert some of the trips costs directly in the spreadsheet, to save time.

3.7. Make use of expense tracking apps

There are many travel expense apps available that can help you track expenses during a trip. These apps allow you to input your expenses as you go, categorize them, and keep track of your overall spending. Some of them will help you create expense reports, and even scan receipts. They come with different features and can convert expenses into multiple currencies.

I tried a couple of them, but could not find the one that I would like and stick to it. I prefer the options mentioned before. If you want to try and see if using an expense travel app is a good fit for you, have a look at the bottom list of apps to track trip expenses.

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4. Top 3 apps to help you track travel expenses

4.1. Trabee Pocket: Travel Expense

Trabee Pocket is a Travel budget or Travel expense tracker. It helps you to track your spending during a trip or holiday. It is a fast and easy way of expense tracking, where you can see at a glance, how much you have already spent and how much of your budget money is still available. 

With the free version, you get unlimited travels and 1 currency per trip. Great if you only travel to a single country. If you are traveling throughout Asia or Central America, you might switch to Pro. 

The free version of app offers 8 free categories (Transportation, Accommodation / Lodging, Meal – Out, Meal – Store, Shopping / Souvenirs, Sightseeing, Health) and an expense report.

Languages: English, Japanese, Korean
Download: iOS | Android | Website
Price: Free + In-App Purchases

What are the best and easy methods to track travel expenses and stay on budget? Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods from spreadsheets, keeping receipts, using a travel journal, and a selection of travel apps. They will help you to fully enjoy your vacation without money problems. Click to learn more. 

| Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets

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One of the most popular travel expense apps, Trabee Pocket.

4.2. Expensify: Receipts & Expenses

Expensify is another travel budgeting smartphone app that allows you to input expenses as you incur them and categorize them accordingly. With it, you can scan receipts, track business, and personal expenses, and book travel all in one app.

Expensify offers unlimited receipt scanning. This is a great app if you a traveling a lot for work. You can get a corporate Expensify Card, add it to your Apple wallet, swipe with the Expensify Card, scan a receipt and your expenses are done.

Languages: English
Download: iOS | Android | Website 
Price: Free + In-App Purchases

What are the best and easy methods to track travel expenses and stay on budget? Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods from spreadsheets, keeping receipts, using a travel journal, and a selection of travel apps. They will help you to fully enjoy your vacation without money problems. Click to learn more. | Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets #travelexpenses #budgettravel #travelbudget #traveljournal #bujo
Expensify, travel budgeting smartphone app. Great for everyone who travels for work.

4.3. Splitwise

Splitwise is a great app if you are traveling with a group. You can add other people to join a trip and add their expenses during that trip. Splitwise will then sum all the travel expenses and calculate how much each individual has spent and divide the amount between the others to make things equal.

You can select which travel expenses you want to keep for yourself and which of them should be split among the others in the group. It allows you to add photos of receipts and add notes.

Languages: English, Dutch, French (11 altogether)
Download: iOS | Android | Website
Price: Free + In-App Purchases

What are the best and easy methods to track travel expenses and stay on budget? Anja On Adventure offers a helpful guide, where you find simple budget tracking methods from spreadsheets, keeping receipts, using a travel journal, and a selection of travel apps. They will help you to fully enjoy your vacation without money problems. Click to learn more. | Travel | Budget travel | Travel Expenses | Excel | Google sheets #travelexpenses #budgettravel #travelbudget #traveljournal #bujo
Best expense tracking app if you are traveling in a group.

5. Money-saving strategies for your travels

5.1. Research a destination and make a budget

Researching your destination and making a budget for your trip, including all of the expenses, such as transportation, accommodation, food, and activities, will help you plan your travel budget and leave you with fewer surprises before and after the trip.

5.2. Set a daily budget

Having a daily budget will help you to avoid overspending and ensure that you have enough money to last your entire trip. Consider using cash instead of credit cards, as it can be easier to keep track of your expenses this way.

5.3. Be mindful of your spending

When we are on a holiday our spending gets carried away. Try to be mindful of buying things while traveling. Avoid unnecessary purchases and think twice before making any big purchases.

5.4. Eat in local restaurants

When it comes to food, eating like a local can often be cheaper and more authentic than eating at touristy restaurants. Look for street food, markets, and small local restaurants for affordable and delicious meals. Especially in destinations like Thailand. There is nothing wrong with splurging, but not eating out every day can help you save money. This is true in Iceland.

5.5. Use public transportation

Another money-saving strategy is to use public transportation instead of taxis or rental cars. Research the local transportation options, such as buses, trains, and subways, and purchase a pass or ticket in advance to save money. This is true if you are going to Japan, where the Japan Rail Pass can only be bought outside of Japan.

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Best ways of tracking travel expenses during a trip, in a nutshell

The best way to track travel expenses during a trip is to plan ahead.

Create a budget and use a variety of tools to keep track of the money you spend. This can be done by writing expenses in a notebook, using notes on your smartphone, saving physical receipts, or paying with only cash. More advanced ways are by tracking expenses with the help of money-tracking apps or taking photos of receipts.

The main goal of tracking travel expenses is for you to know where your money is going. Sticking to a budget during a trip can help you stay within your spending limits while still enjoying yourself. It gives you a stress-free vacation and protects your wallet from any surprises.

Regardless of the method you choose, make the most of your travels and track your expenses to avoid overspending and for an even more glamorous trip.

How do you track travel expenses when traveling?
Share it in the comments.

Shine on,

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Skipped to the good part? Here is the gist

No matter where your travels may take you, one constant is always the same – tracking travel expenses. From airfare to lodging, restaurant bills to souvenirs, tours, and entrance tickets. Allocating funds for your adventures can be both exciting and daunting at the same time. In this blog post, you will understand the benefits of tracking expenses, find tips for expense tracking, learn about money-saving strategies, and find the right ways and apps to help you manage your money while on the go. Knowing all of these you can easily stay on top of your finances while still having the time of your life on a foreign adventure.


How to keep track of expenses during a trip?

Write a notebook, use Notes or expense tracking apps.

There are many ways how to track expenses during a trip. Some prefer traditional methods, like writing expenses in a notebook or a travel journal. Others write them down in notes. Then some take photos of receipts and entrance tickets, while others are using smartphone expense tracking apps. Find a way that suits you best with the help of my tracking travel expenses blog post.

How to track expenses with a spreadsheet?

Draw one, use Google Sheets or Excel.

You can draw your own spreadsheet in a notebook. If you prefer an online version, use ne Excel built-in expense tracker template or create one in Google sheets. If nothing above sounds like you, print a free expense tracker spreadsheet, that you will find in my tracking travel expenses blog post.

Is there an app to track trip expenses?

Yes, there are many travel expense tracking apps.

Trabee Pocket helps you track your spending during a trip or holiday. Perfect for solo travelers. Expensify is great if you travel a lot for work because you can add a corporate Expensify Card to it. Splitwise app is great if you are traveling with a group because the app will divide the amount between your group. Learn more in my tracking travel expenses blog post.

What is the best app to keep track of expenses on travel?

Trabee Pocket

Trabee Pocket is a Travel budget or Travel expense tracker. It helps you to track your spending during a trip or holiday. It is a fast and easy way of expense tracking, where you can see at a glance, how much you have already spent and how much of your budget money is still available. With the free version, you get unlimited travel and 1 currency per trip.

What to write in a travel journal?

Travel itinerary, packing list, travel expenses …

Travel journal can have different pages according to your travel style and taste. You can include contact information, packing lists, tips, itineraries, daily journaling, fill it with drawings and entrance tickets. You can even include a travel expense page and glue in a free expense tracker spreadsheet, that you will find in my tracking travel expenses blog post.

Can I use Google Sheets or Excel to track my expenses?


Using Google Sheets or Excel are one of the easiest ways to track travel expenses. They can both be used on your desktop and your smartphone. Boat of those have a lot of free, ready made expense tracker templates. Use one of those, make one yourself or purchase a template. Find a free expense tracker spreadsheet in my tracking travel expenses blog post.

What is the best way to track travel expenses?

Write a notebook, spreadsheet or expense tracking apps.

The best way of tracking expenses depends on you. Some prefer traditional methods, like writing expenses in a travel journal. Others write them down in notes. Then some take photos of receipts and entrance tickets, while others are using smartphone expense tracking apps. Find a way that suits you best with the help of my tracking travel expenses blog post.

About the author: Anja

Photo of author
Anja is a travel blogger and the founder of Anja on Adventure travel blog. Originally from Slovenia, she was also living in Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, and Fiji. She loves traveling to tropical destinations, as well as beach destinations with endless summer. But you can also find her eating her way through Italy or Mexico, learning about ancient cultures in Easter Island, visiting bucket list places in Peru, or taking road trips through the USA. She is passionate about world cultures, travel, maps, and puzzles. For the past 15+ years she has been traveling the globe, as a solo traveler, and as a tour guide. Her goal is to visit every tropical destination in the World. Anja On Adventure is here to provide helpful travel guides and personalized itinerary ideas to travelers that she has gathered from first-hand experience.