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How to say Happy Birthday in 101 different languages

Happy birthday to you!
May all your birthday wishes come true!

That is why I prepared how to say Happy Birthday in different languages for you!!

And it all rhymes. Just like a Happy Birthday song. Because celebrating a birthday deserves an extra special touch! Especially, if you are celebrating a birthday in a different country every year. Like I am.

I’ve celebrated Birthday in various countries. From Vanuatu, Jordan, Seychelles, Bali, Slovenia, USA and others. I’ve heard birthday greetings in Samoan and Fijian. So if you wish to say Happy Birthday in other languages, you will find the list below.

A collection of Happy Birthday phrases in world languages will be perfect if you are planning a romantic getaway or want to surprise a person with photos of birthday wishes from various parts of the globe.

From the enthusiastic “Feliz cumpleaños” in Spanish to the poetic “Manuia le aso fanau” in Samoan. Perfect birthday wish to pair with “you have beautiful eyes”,  “you have a beautiful smile” and of course “I love you”.

Inside there are Polynesian languages, Asian languages, African languages, and languages spoken in Europe. Plus, I included the pronunciation of Happy Birthday in various languages.

Now, learn how to say Happy Birthday in 100 different languages and more.

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How to say Happy Birthday in different languages

1. English

Where is English spoken? Many nations across the world use English either as their primary or secondary language. The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, India, and Singapore are among the countries where English is commonly spoken. In numerous other countries where English is not the official language, it is frequently used as a universal language of communication.

How to say Happy Birthday in English? Happy birthday

How to pronounce it? “hap-ee burth-day”

2. Afrikaans

Where is Afrikaans spoken? Afrikaans is primarily used in South Africa, where it holds the status of being one of the country’s eleven recognized official languages. Outside South Africa, it is also spoken in Namibia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Afrikaans? Gelukkige verjaarsdag

How to pronounce it? “kha-look-kee-ghuh foor-yahrs-dahkh”

3. Albanian

Where is Albanian spoken? Albanian serves as the official language in both Albania and Kosovo, while also being spoken by Albanian communities residing in neighboring nations like North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Greece. Albanian-speaking communities can be found in Italy, Switzerland, and various other regions throughout Europe.

How to say Happy Birthday in Albanian? Gëzuar ditëlindjen

How to pronounce it? “geh-zoo-ar deet-leen-jen”

4. Amharic

Where is Amharic spoken? Amharic holds the official language status in Ethiopia and is spoken by individuals in Eritrea and Egypt as well. Smaller Amharic-speaking communities can also be found in Israel, Canada, the United States, and Sweden.

How to say Happy Birthday in Amharic? መልካም ልደት

How to pronounce it? “me-lee-kamee lee-de-tee”

5. Arabic

Where is Arabic spoken? It is a native language in many nations throughout the Middle East and North Africa, having the status of official language in 22 countries including Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and several more. Arabic is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is widely used for religious purposes among Muslims worldwide.

How to say Happy Birthday in Arabic? عيد ميلاد سعيد

How to pronounce it? “e-eed mee-lad saeed”

6. Armenian

Where is Armenian spoken? Armenian is the official language of Armenia. It is also spoken as a mother tongue by part of the population in Lebanon, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Jordan, and Greece.

How to say Happy Birthday in Armenian? Ծնունդդ շնորհավոր

How to pronounce it? “shnorhavor tsnoondd”

7. Azerbaijani

Where is Azerbaijani spoken? Azerbaijani, also known as Azeri, serves as the official language of Azerbaijan and is spoken as a native language in the northwestern regions of Iran, as well as in certain neighboring countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Azerbaijani? Ad günün mübarək

How to pronounce it? “ahd goon-oon moo-bar-ek”

8. Basque

Where is Basque spoken? The Basque language is used in the Basque Country, which covers areas in northern Spain and southwestern France.

How to say Happy Birthday in Basque? Zorionak

How to pronounce it? “zoh-ree-oh-nahk”

9. Belarusian

Where is Belarusian spoken? Belarusian is one of the official languages of Belarus. It is also spoken in neighboring countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, and Estonia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Belarusian? З днём нараджэння

How to pronounce it? “z dnyom naradzhennya”

10. Bengali

Where is Bengali spoken? Bengali is the official language of Bangladesh and Sierra Leone. It is also widely spoken in India and by communities in countries such as the USA, UK, and in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and the UAE. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Bengali? শুভ জন্মদিন

How to pronounce it? “shubha janmadeena”

pink themes cupcake for happy birthday party
Is saying Happy Birthday in a different language on your to-do list?

11. Bosnian

Where is Bosnian spoken? Bosnian is one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is also spoken by part of the population in the countries of former Yugoslavia, like Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, and Montenegro. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Bosnian? Sretan rođendan

How to pronounce it? “sreh-tahn roh-jehn-dahn”

12. Bulgarian

Where is Bulgarian spoken? Bulgarian is the official language of Bulgaria. Additionally, the Bulgarian language is spoken in neighboring nations, particularly in areas with historical Bulgarian communities. These communities are distributed across countries ranging from Greece and Albania to Northern Macedonia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, and Ukraine.

How to say Happy Birthday in Bulgarian? честит рожден ден

How to pronounce it? “ches-teet rozh-den den”

13. Burmese

Where is Burmese spoken? Burmese is the official language of Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). It is also spoken in Thailand as a mother tongue for a small percentage of the population. You can also spoken within communities residing in China, Malaysia, USA, and Australia.  

How to say Happy Birthday in Burmese? မွေးသက္ကရာဇ္

How to pronounce it? “mweh-sak-ka-lar-zwe”

14. Catalan

Where is Catalan spoken? Catalan is the official language of Andorra. It is commonly spoken in regions such as Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencia, Murcia, as well as in the Roussillon region of France. Furthermore, it is spoken in the city of Alghero in Sardinia, Italy.

How to say Happy Birthday in Catalan? Feliç aniversari

How to pronounce it? “fuh-lees ah-nee-ver-sah-ree”

15. Cebuano

Where is Cebuano spoken? Cebuano ranks as the Philippines’ second most widely spoken language, following Tagalog. Its primary usage is found in the central and southern regions of the Philippines, particularly on islands such as Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor.

How to say Happy Birthday in Cebuano? Malipayong adlawng natawhan

How to pronounce it? “Mah-lee-pah-yong ad-lawng nat-ah-wan”

16. Chichewa

Where is Chichewa spoken? Chichewa is the official language in Malawi. It is also spoken in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique by a significant portion of the population. It serves as a common language between people in mentioned countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Chichewa? Tsiku labwino lobadwa

How to pronounce it? “tseekoo lab-wee-no lo-bah-dwa”

17. Chinese

Where is Chinese spoken? Chinese is the official language of China and one of the official languages of Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. In 21 countries Chinese is a mother tongue by a large part of the population. It is spoken by billions of people worldwide and is the most widely spoken language in the world.

How to say Happy Birthday in Chinese? 生日快乐 

How to pronounce it? “shēngrì kuàilè”

18. Corsican

Where is Corsican spoken? Corsican is used on Corsica, an island under French jurisdiction, as well as in northern Sardinia, which falls under Italian authority.

How to say Happy Birthday in Corsican? Festighjate anniversariu

How to pronounce it? “fehs-tee-ah-tay an-nee-vayr-sah-ree-oo”

19. Croatian

Where is Croatian spoken? Croatian is the official language of Croatia. It is also spoken in neighboring Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Montenegro, some parts of Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. It is also spoken among Croatian communities in other countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Croatian? Sretn rođendan

How to pronounce it? “sreh-tahn roh-yehn-dahn”

20. Czech

Where is Czech spoken? Czech is the official language of the Czech Republic. You can also find Czech speakers in Slovakia, Portugal, Poland and Germany.

How to say Happy Birthday in Czech? Všechno nejlepší k narozeninám

How to pronounce it? “veh-seh-leh nah-roh-ze-nee-nee”

cupcake with candle for how to say Happy Birthday wishes
How do you say Happy Birthday in other languages?

21. Danish

Where is Danish spoken? Danish is the official language of Denmark and Greenland. It is also spoken in Norway by a part of population as their mother tongue. Danish is spoken within specific communities in Germany and is taught in schools of the Faroe Islands and on Iceland.

How to say Happy Birthday in Danish? Tillykke med fødselsdagen

How to pronounce it? “Till-uh-kuh med føth-sels-dah-en”

22. Dutch

Where is Dutch spoken? Dutch is the official language of the Netherlands and Flanders region in Belgium. It is also spoken in Suriname, a former Dutch colony in South America, as well as in Aruba and the Dutch Antilles in the Caribbean. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Dutch? Gefeliciteerd

How to pronounce it? “khuh-fuh-lee-suh-tehrt”

23. Esperanto

Where is Esperanto spoken? Esperanto is a constructed international language created for the purpose of global communication. It is not associated with any specific country or culture. Speakers of Esperanto can be found in various countries, including the UK, Belgium, France, Italy, the USA, Brazil, China, and Japan.

How to say Happy Birthday in Esperanto? Feliĉan naskiĝtagon

How to pronounce it? “Feh-lee-chan nahs-keej-tah-gon”

24. Estonian

Where is Estonian spoken? Estonian is the official language of Estonia. It is the mother tongue of a part of the population on the Åland Islands.

How to say Happy Birthday in Estonian? Palju õnne sünnipäevaks

How to pronounce it? “pahl-yoo uh-nuh soonn-uh-pieh-vahks”

25. Farsi (Persian)

Where is Farsi spoken? Farsi, also refered to as Persian, is the official language of both Iran and Afghanistan. It is also spoken in neighboring countries, like Iraq, Oman, Yemen, the United Arab emirates, and others.

How to say Happy Birthday in Farsi? تولدت مبارک

How to pronounce it? “tavallodet moba-rak”

26. Fijian

Where is Fijian spoken? Fijian is one of the official languages of Fiji. It is spoken by a segment of the population as their primary language, while others use it as a secondary or tertiary language.
How to say Happy Birthday in Fijian? Marau nomu siga ni sucu

How to pronounce it? “yahn-drah vee-nah-kah nah see-ngah nee soo-thoo”

27. Filipino

Where is Filipino spoken? Filipino is one of the official languages of the Philippines, besides English. It is primarily based on Tagalog, although the two languages are frequently interchanged in everyday communication. While they share similarities, it’s important to note that they are different languages.

How to say Happy Birthday in Filipino? Maligayang kaarawan

How to pronounce it? “ma-lee-ga-yang kah-ah-rah-wahn”

28. Finnish

Where is Finnish spoken? Finnish is one of the official languages in Finland spoken by the majority of the population. It has a minority language status in Sweden. Finnish speakers are also found in neighboring countries such as Sweden, Estonia, and Russia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Finnish? Hyvää syntymäpäivää

How to pronounce it? “hu-vaa sin-tuhm-ah-pie-vah”

29. French

Where is French spoken? French is the third most widely spoken language in Europe and holds official status in 28 other countries across Europe, North America (Canada), Africa (e.g., Seychelles and Madagascar), the Caribbean, and Pacific islands (e.g., Vanuatu). It is also one of the six official languages of the United Nations and serves as the lingua franca of the International Olympic Committee.

How to say Happy Birthday in French? Bon anniversaire

How to pronounce it? “bohn ah-nee-vair-sair”

30. Frisian

Where is Frisian spoken? Frisian is predominantly spoken in the province of Friesland in the Netherlands, with a minority of speakers in Germany. It enjoys official language status in the Friesland region, alongside Dutch.

How to say Happy Birthday in Frisian? Gelokkige jierdei

How to pronounce it? “lokh-fahl yee-ur-deh”

three colorful cupcakes with candles for how to say Happy Birthday in different languages
Do you know how to say Happy Birthday in most spoken languages around the World?

31. Galician

Where is Galician spoken? Galician is an official language in the Galicia region of Spain. There is also a minority of Galician speakers in Portugal, particularly in areas adjacent to Galicia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Galician? Feliz aniversario

How to pronounce it? “Feh-leez ah-nee-vehr-sah-ree-oh”

32. Georgian

Where is Georgian spoken? Georgian is the official language of Georgia. It is also spoken by communities in Azerbaijan, Türkiye, Russia, Iran and some other parts of Europe and North America.Georgian is used as lingua franca for similar languages.

How to say Happy Birthday in Georgian? გილოცავ დაბადების დღეს

How to pronounce it? “geelotsavt da-ba-de-bis d-ghes”

33. German

Where is German spoken? German is the mother language in Germany, Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg. It is one of the official languages of Switzerland and Liechtenstein and is spoken in regions of Italy, specifically South Tyrol. Due to historic events German language is the second language in other countries around the world, like Namibia and Samoa.

How to say Happy Birthday in German? Alles Gute zum Geburtstag

How to pronounce it? “ahl-les goo-teh tsoom geh-boort-stahg”

34. Greek

Where is Greek spoken? Greek is an official language in Greece and Cyprus. Greek language can also be heard in neighboring regions certain regions and in countries with Greek diaspora, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and various European countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Greek? Χαρούμενα γενέθλια

How to pronounce it? “charoúmena genéthlia”

35. Gujarati

Where is Gujarati spoken? Gujarati is spoken in the Indian state of Gujarat. It is also used by the Gujarati diaspora in various countries in Africa, Fiji, USA, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Gujarati? જન્મદિવસ ની શુભકામના

How to pronounce it? “jan-ma-dee-va-sa nee shub-ha-ka-ma-na”

36. Haitian Creole

Where is Haitian Creole spoken? Haitian Creole is one of the official languages in Haiti, alongside French. It is also a mother tongue by people living in various other Caribbean islands, Bahamas, France, Canada and USA. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Haitian Creole? Bòn Fèt

How to pronounce it? “bohn fet”

37. Hausa

Where is Hausa spoken? Hausa, while not an official language, serves as the mother tongue for a significant majority of the population in Niger and Nigeria. Hausa is used as lingua franca and a trading language in Cameroon, Chad, Togo, Congo and other West African countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hausa? Barka da ranar haihuwa

How to pronounce it? “bahr-kah dah rah-nahr hah-ee-hoo-wah”

38. Hawaiian

Where is Hawaiian spoken? Hawaiian is the official language of the State of Hawaii in the United States. It is an indigenous Polynesian language that has experienced a revival in recent years through efforts to preserve and promote its use in schools, cultural activities, and daily life.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hawaiian? Hauʻoli lā hānau

How to pronounce it? “how-oh-lee laa hah-now”

39. Hebrew

Where is Hebrew spoken? Hebrew is the official language of Israel and is also spoken in Palestine. Additionally, it is used worldwide within Jewish communities for religious and cultural purposes.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hebrew? יום הולדת שמח

How to pronounce it? “yohm hoh-lehdet shah-makh”

40. Hindi

Where is Hindi spoken? Hindi is the official language of India, besides English. It ranks as one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with speakers in over 20 countries outside of India, like USA, Pakistan, New Zealand, South Africa, Fiji and others.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hindi? जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएँ 

How to pronounce it? “jahn-muh-deen kee shub-ha-kaa-ma-na-en”

colorful cupcake with candle on top for how to say Happy Birthday in different languages
How to say Happy Birthday in many languages?

41. Hmong

Where is Hmong spoken? Hmong is spoken by the Hmong ethnic group, who are found in China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and the communities in the USA.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hmong? Zoo siab hnub yug

How to pronounce it? “zaw-see-ap newb yoo”

42. Hungarian

Where is Hungarian spoken? Hungarian is the official language of Hungary. It is also spoken in Slovakia, Romania, and some former Yugoslavian countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Hungarian? Boldog születésnapot

How to pronounce it? “bohl-dog soo-let-esh-nah-pot”

43. Icelandic

Where is Icelandic spoken? Icelandic is the official language of Iceland and is also spoken in other northern countries such as Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, and the USA.

How to say Happy Birthday in Icelandic? Til hamingju með afmælið

How to pronounce it? “teel hah-ming-yoo mehth af-mai-leeth”

44. Igbo

Where is Igbo spoken? Igbo, or Ibo, is primarily spoken in the southeastern region of Nigeria known as Igboland. It is also spoken in Equatorial Guinea and Cameroon. Additionally, due to historical factors such as slavery, Igbo can be found in communities in Jamaica, Barbados, Cuba, and other Caribbean islands.

How to say Happy Birthday in Igbo? Ezi ncheta ọmụmụ

How to pronounce it? “eh-zee n-cheh-tah oh-moo-moo”

45. Indonesian

Where is Indonesian spoken? Indonesian, also known as Bahasa Indonesia, is the official language of Indonesia and East Timor. It can also be heard as a language of immigrants in The Netherlands and in Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Indonesian? Selamat ulang tahun

How to pronounce it? “seh-lah-maht ooh-lahng tooh-ahn”

46. Irish

Where is Irish spoken? Irish, also known as Irish Gaelic, is one of the official languages of Ireland, alongside English. Irish is mostly spoken in Gaeltacht area on the West Coast.

How to say Happy Birthday in Irish? Lá breithe shona duit

How to pronounce it? “law breh-heh soh-nah ditch”

47. Italian

Where is Italian spoken? Italian is the official language in Italy, San Marino and Vatican City. It is also one of the official languages of Switzerland. You can hear it in some regions of Slovenia and Croatia, and it is also spoken in Malta, due to historical influences.

How to say Happy Birthday in Italian? Buon compleanno

How to pronounce it? “bwon kohm-pleh-ah-noh”

48. Japanese

Where is Japanese spoken? Japanese is the official language of Japan and is spoken by the majority of the population. Additionally, you can find Japanese-speaking communities in various countries worldwide, including the United States, Brazil, Canada, and Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Japanese? お 誕生日 おめでとう ございます

How to pronounce it? “o-tahn-joh-bee oh-meh-deh-toh goh-za-ee-masu”

49. Javanese

Where is Javanese spoken? Javanese is spoken all around Indonesia, but has the most speakers residing on the island of Java. It is also spoken in other Asian countries, New Caledonia, as well as former Dutch colonies such as Suriname and in the Netherlands.

How to say Happy Birthday in Javanese? Sugeng tanggap warsa

How to pronounce it? “soo-geng tan-ggap wahr-sah”

50. Kannada

Where is Kannada spoken? Kannada is the official language of the Indian state of Karnataka in southwest part of the country. It is also spoken in surrounding regions of India.

How to say Happy Birthday in Kannada? ಜನ್ಮದಿನದ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು

How to pronounce it? “jahn-mah-dee-nah-da shoo-bhah-shah-yah-gah-loo”

cupcake with orange candle for how to say Happy Birthday in different languages
How to write Happy Birthday in different languages.

51. Kazakh

Where is Kazakh spoken? Kazakh is the official language of Kazakhstan and is also spoken in parts of Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Mongolia and other neighboring countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Kazakh? Туылған күніңмен

How to pronounce it? “too-ghan koo-nee-ny-men”

52. Khmer

Where is Khmer spoken? Khmer is the official language of Cambodia. It is also spoken in Vietnam, Laos and Thailand as a mother tongue by a part of the population. Khmer can also be heard in other parts of SE Asian countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Khmer? រីករាយ​ថ្ងៃ​កំណើត

How to pronounce it? “reek rie-ah thngai kohm-nee”

53. Korean

Where is Korean spoken? Korean is the official language of both North and South Korea. It is spoken as a mother tongue by part of the population in the USA, Japan, Guam and Northern Mariana Islands. Additionally, Korean is spoken in the northeastern part of China and on the Russian island of Sakhalin.

How to say Happy Birthday in Korean? 생일 축하해요

How to pronounce it? “sahng-eel choog-hah-hah-eyo”

54. Kurdish

Where is Kurdish spoken? Kurdish is not an official language. It is the native language of the Kurdish people residing in regions of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Armenia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Kurdish? Rojbûna te pîroz be

How to pronounce it? “rozh-boo-nah teh pee-rohz beh”

55. Kyrgyz

Where is Kyrgyz spoken? Kyrgyz is the official language of Kyrgyzstan, alongside Russian. It is also spoken in regions of China, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan.

How to say Happy Birthday in Kyrgyz? Туулган кунуңуз менен куттуктайм

How to pronounce it? “too-lghan koo-noong-ooz menen koot-tooqtaym”

56. Lao

Where is Lao spoken? Lao is the official language of Laos and is also spoken in some regions of Thailand and Cambodia. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Lao? ສຸກ​ສັນ​ວັນ​ເກີດ

How to pronounce it? “sook san vankoed”

57. Latvian

Where is Latvian spoken? Latvian is the official language of Latvia. It is also spoken outside of the country, mainly in Russia and Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Latvian? Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā

How to pronounce it? “dowdz lah-ee-mehs dzeehm-shah-nahs dyeh-nah”

58. Lithuanian

Where is Lithuanian spoken? Lithuanian is the official language of Lithuania. It is spoken as the mother tongue for part of the population in Latvia. Lithuanian can also be heard in Lithuanian communities in Poland, Russia and Belarus.

How to say Happy Birthday in Lithuanian? Su gimtadieniu

How to pronounce it? “soo geem-tah-dee-ay-niu”

59. Luxembourgish

Where is Luxembourgish spoken? Luxembourgish is the national language of Luxembourg and is not commonly spoken outside of Luxembourg, except in certain areas of Belgium and France.

How to say Happy Birthday in Luxembourgish? Alles Guddes fir däi Gebuertsdag

How to pronounce it? “ah-les goo-des fear die gee-baeert-sdahg”

60. Macedonian

Where is Macedonian spoken? Macedonian is the official language of North Macedonia. It is also spoken in the surrounding countries, Bulgaria, Greece and Albania, and in ethnic communities in Serbia, Slovenia and Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Macedonian? Среќен роденден

How to pronounce it? “srek-en roden-den”

pink cupcake for happy birthday wishes
What is Happy Birthday in different languages?

61. Malagasy

Where is Malagasy spoken? Malagasy is the language spoken on the island of Madagascar. There are also Malagasy-speaking communities on the islands of Réunion, Mayotte and Mauritius.

How to say Happy Birthday in Malagasy? Tratry ny tsigerin-taoana nahaterahana

How to pronounce it? “tra-tree nee tee-geh-reen-ta-oah-nah na-ha-te-rah-ha-na”

62. Malay

Where is Malay spoken? Malay is the official language of Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore. Also known as Bahasa Melayu, is widely spoken in other Southeast Asian countries such as East Timor and Thailand, and you can also hear it in Christmas Island and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

How to say Happy Birthday in Malay? Selamat Hari Jadi

How to pronounce it? “seh-la-maht hah-ree jah-dee”

63. Malayalam

Where is Malayalam spoken? Malayalam is the official language of the Indian state of Kerala. It is also spoken in some regions of neighboring states and by the Malayali diaspora around the world, in USA, Qatar, Fiji, UAE, Canada, Israel, among others.

How to say Happy Birthday in Malayalam? ജന്മദിനാശംസകൾ

How to pronounce it? “jan-ma-dee-na-shan-sa-kal”

64. Maltese

Where is Maltese spoken? Maltese is the official language of Malta. It is also spoken in surrounding countries like Italy, Tunisia and Libya. Additionally, there are small Maltese-speaking communities in countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, and the UK.

How to say Happy Birthday in Maltese? Awguri f’għeluq sninek

How to pronounce it? “au-goori feh-looq snee-nek”

65. Māori

Where is Māori spoken? Maori is the official language of New Zealand, alongside English and New Zealand Sign Language. It is mostly spoken among Maori people on North Island in New Zealand. Te Reo Māori is also one of the official languages in the Cook Islands.

How to say Happy Birthday in Māori? Rā Whānau kia koe

How to pronounce it? “ra wha-nao kee-a ko-e”

66. Marathi

Where is Marathi spoken? Marathi is the official language of the Indian states of Maharashtra and Goa. It is also spoken by the Marathi-speaking communities residing in Israel and Mauritius.

How to say Happy Birthday in Marathi? वाढदिवसाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा 

How to pronounce it? “vah-dhah-dee-vah-sah-chyah ha-rd-eek shoo-beh-chhah”

67. Mongolian

Where is Mongolian spoken? Mongolian is the official language of Mongolia and is also spoken in some regions of China, particularly in Inner Mongolia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Mongolian? Төрсөн өдрийн мэнд

How to pronounce it? “tohr-sohn oohd-reeyn mehnd”

68. Nepali 

Where is Nepali spoken? Nepali, also known as Nepalese, is the official language of Nepal. It is also spoken in Bhutan as a mother tongue by part of the population. Nepali can also be heard in India, Brunei and Myanmar.

How to say Happy Birthday in Nepali? जन्मदिनको शुभकामना 

How to pronounce it? “jahn-mah-dee-nah-koh shoo-bha-kaah-ma-nah”

69. Norwegian

Where is Norwegian spoken? Norwegian is the official language of Norway. It is also spoken by Norvegian communities around the world, mostly in Sweden, UK and Iceland in Europe, and in USA and Canada.

How to say Happy Birthday in Norwegian? Gratulerer med dagen

How to pronounce it? “grah-too-leh-rehr meh dah-ehn”

70. Polish

Where is Polish spoken? Polish is the official language of Poland. As a second language is spoken in Eastern Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Litva, Lithuania and parts of Ukraine and Belarus. There are a lot of Polish-speaking communities around the world, from USA, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Argentina and others.

How to say Happy Birthday in Polish? Wszystkiego najlepszego

How to pronounce it? “vshyst-keh-goh nah-lehpsheh-goh”

two cupcakes with candles for how to say Happy Birthday in 10 different languages
What is Happy Birthday in other languages?

71. Portuguese

Where is Portuguese spoken? Portuguese serves as the official language in 10 countries, including Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, and various other nations in Africa and Asia due to historical colonial connections. It is widely spoken as a mother tongue by part of the population in other countries across multiple continents.

How to say Happy Birthday in Portuguese? Feliz aniversário

How to pronounce it? “feh-leesh ah-nee-vehr-sah-ree-oh”

72. Punjabi

Where is Punjabi spoken? Punjabi is the official language of the Indian state of Punjab. It is also spoken by the Punjabi-speakingcommunities in countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Canada. It is also widely used in the Punjabi diaspora.

How to say Happy Birthday in Punjabi? ਜਨਮਦਿਨ ਮੁਬਾਰਕ

How to pronounce it? “ja-na-ma-deena mu-ba-ra-ka”

73. Romanian

Where is Romanian spoken? Romanian is the official language of both Romania and Moldova (referred to as Moldovan). It is also spoken as a mother tongue by a segment of the population in parts of Ukraine, Hungary, Cyprus, and the Åland Islands. Additionally, Romanian can be heard in countries such as Israel, the United States, Greece, and Russia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Romanian? La mulți ani

How to pronounce it? “lah moolts ah-nee”

74. Russian

Where is Russian spoken? Russian is the official language of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. It is also widely spoken in19 other countries, where represents a mother tongue for part of the population. Russian is used as lingua franca in former Soviet Union countries and Central Asia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Russian? С днём рождения

How to pronounce it? “s dnyom rozh-dyeh-neeya”

75. Samoan

Where is Samoan spoken? Samoan is one of the official languages of Samoa and American Samoa. It is widely spoken across the Pacific region as a mother tongue by a part of the population in New Zealand and Tokelau. You could also hear it in Australia and United States.

How to say Happy Birthday in Samoan? Manuia le aso fanau

How to pronounce it? “mah-noo-ee-ah leh ah-soh fah-now”

76. Scots Gaelic

Where is Scots Gaelic spoken? Scottish Gaelic is one of the official languages of Scotland, along with English. It is mainly spoken in the Highlands and Islands regions of Scotland.

How to say Happy Birthday in Scots Gaelic? Co là breith sona

How to pronounce it? “koh lah breh sonneh”

77. Serbian

Where is Serbian spoken? Serbian is the official language of Serbia and is also spoken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Croatia. There are Serbian-speaking communities in other parts of the world, in Ex-Yugoclavian countries and in North America and Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Serbian? Срећан рођендан

How to pronounce it? “sreh-chan roh-jen-dahn”

78. Sesotho

Where is Sesotho spoken? Sesotho, or Southern Sotho, is one of the official languages of Lesotho, a landlocked country in Southern Africa. It is also spoken in some regions of South Africa.

How to say Happy Birthday in Seshoto? Letsatsi le monate la tswalo

How to pronounce it? “le-tsa-tsi le mo-na-te la tswa-lo”

79. Shona

Where is Shona spoken? Shona is one of the official languages in Zimbabwe. It is also spoken by communities in southern Zambia and Botswana.

How to say Happy Birthday in Shona? Makorokoto ezuva rokuzvarwa

How to pronounce it? “ma-ko-ro-ko-to e-zu-va ro-ku-zvar-wa”

80. Sinhala

Where is Sinhala spoken? Sinhala or Sinhalese is the official language of Sri Lanka. It is also spoken outside of the country in communities living in Australia, UAE, USA, Canada and others.

How to say Happy Birthday in Sinhala? සුබ උපන් දිනයක්

How to pronounce it? “soo-ba u-pan dhi-na-yak ve-va”

purple frosting cupcake and a candle for how to say Happy Birthday in other languages
Learn saying Happy Birthday in different languages.

81. Slovakian

Where is Slovakian spoken? Slovakian is the official language of Slovakia. It is also spoken in Czechia and Hungary as a mother tongue by part of the population. Additionally, it can be heard in various other countries, including Serbia, Russia, Ukraine, and Poland.

How to say Happy Birthday in Slovakian? Všetko najlepšie

How to pronounce it? “vshet-koh nah-ye-lep-shee-eh”

82. Slovenian

Where is Slovenian spoken? Slovenian is the official language of Slovenia. It is also spoken by Slovenian communities in neighboring countries such as Austria and Italy (specifically in the region of Friuli Venezia Giulia). There are smaller Slovenian-speaking communities in other parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Australia, where Slovenian immigrants have settled.

How to say Happy Birthday in Slovanian? Vse najboljše

How to pronounce it?
“vseh nigh-boh-sh-eh”

83. Somali

Where is Somali spoken? Somali is the official language of Somalia and Ethiopia. It is spoken in various regions across the Horn of Africa, with significant usage in Djibouti and Ethiopia, as a second language. Somali is also present in neighboring countries like Eritrea and Kenya, as well as among the Somali diaspora.

How to say Happy Birthday in Somali? Dhalasho Wacan

How to pronounce it? “dha-la-sho wah-chahn”

84. Spanish

Where is Spanish spoken? Spanish is an official language in Spain. It is a primary language in many countries in Central and South America, like Mexico, Peru, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic and others. Spanish is also widely spoken in other countries, including the United States, where it has a large number of speakers due to historical and modern-day migration.

How to say Happy Birthday in Spanish? Feliz cumpleaños

How to pronounce it? “feh-lees koom-pleh-ahn-yohs”

85. Sundanese

Where is Sundanese spoken? Sundanese, or Sunda, is a language spoken by an indigenous ethnic group in West Java, Indonesia. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Sundanese? Wilujeng tepang taun

How to pronounce it? “weh-loo-jehng teh-pahng tao-n”

86. Swahili

Where is Swahili spoken? Swahili, or Kiswahili, is a language spoken in East Africa. It is the official language in Tanzania, Kenya, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda. Swahili is used as a second language in various other countries in East Africa, like Rwanda and Burundi.

How to say Happy Birthday in Swahili? Siku ya kuzaliwa

How to pronounce it? “see-koo yah koo-za-lee-wah”

87. Swedish

Where is Swedish spoken? Swedish is the official language of Sweden, Finland and Åland Islands. It is also spoken as a mother tongue by part of the population in Denmark and Norway.

How to say Happy Birthday in Swedish? Grattis på födelsedagen

How to pronounce it? “grah-tees poh feh-dehl-sah-dah-gehn”

88. Tagalog

Where is Tagalog spoken? Tagalog is the most widely spoken language in the Philippines, originating in Manila. You can hear it also outside of the Philippines in the USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and in countries of Micronesia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Tagalog? Maligayang kaarawan

How to pronounce it? “mah-lee-gah-yahng kah-ah-rah-wahn”

89. Tajik

Where is Tajik spoken? Tajik is the official language of Tajikistan. It is also spoken in parts of Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and other neighboring countries.

How to say Happy Birthday in Tajik? Таваллудат муборак

How to pronounce it? “tah-vah-lloo-dhat moo-ba-rahk”

90. Tamil

Where is Tamil spoken? Tamil is an official language in Sri Lanka, Singapore and the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is also spoken in Malaysia, Mauritius, Fiji and South Africa.

How to say Happy Birthday in Tamil? பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள்

How to pronounce it? “pee-rahn-thah-nahl vah-zhth-thuhk-kahl”

cupcake with a candle for how to say Happy Birthday in 100 languages
How to spell Happy Birthday in different languages.

91. Telugu

Where is Telugu spoken? Telugu is the official language of southeastern India, specifically in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It is also spoken in various other regions of India and by Telugu-speaking communities around the world.

How to say Happy Birthday in Telugu? పుట్టిన రోజు శుభాకాంక్షలు

How to pronounce it? “poo-ttin-a roh-joo shoo-bha-kaahn-shah-loo”

92. Thai

Where is Thai spoken? Thai is the official language of Thailand. It is also the mother tongue of part of the population in Vietnam and Laos.

How to say Happy Birthday in Thai? สุขสันต์วันเกิด

How to pronounce it? “soo-kh sahn wan geert”

93. Turkish

Where is Turkish spoken? Turkish is the official language of Turkey and Cyprus. It is also spoken in other countries, in Western, and Southern Europe, as the mother tongue within Turkish diaspora communities.

How to say Happy Birthday in Turkish? Doğum günün kutlu olsun

How to pronounce it? “doh-oom goon koot-loo ol-soon”

94. Ukrainian

Where is Ukrainian spoken? Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine. It is also spoken as a mother tongue by part of the population in parts of Russia, Belarus, Poland, Romania, and other neighboring countries. Additionally, Ukrainian can be heard in USA, Canada and Australia.

How to say Happy Birthday in Ukrainian? З днем народження

How to pronounce it? “z dnehm nah-roh-dzh-ehn-nyah”

95. Urdu

Where is Urdu spoken? Urdu is the official language of Pakistan. It is also spoken in surrounding countries, like India and Nepal. There are Urdu speakers living in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

How to say Happy Birthday in Urdu? سالگرہ مبارک

How to pronounce it? “saal-gih-rah muh-bah-ruk”

96. Uzbek

Where is Uzbek spoken? Uzbek is the official language of Uzbekistan. It is spoken in neighboring “stan” countries as a mother tongue by part of the population. 

How to say Happy Birthday in Uzbek? Tug’ilgan kuningiz muborak

How to pronounce it? “too-geel-gahn koo-neeng-ez moo-boh-rak”

97. Vietnamese

Where is Vietnamese spoken? Vietnamese is the official language of Vietnam. It is also spoken in Cambodia, Australia and USA as a mother tongue in Vietnamese communities.

How to say Happy Birthday in Vietnamese? Chúc mừng sinh nhật

How to pronounce it? “chook moo-ng sinh neet”

98. Welsh

Where is Welsh spoken? Welsh is the official language of Wales. It is also spoken by some communities in England, USA, Canada and Argentina.

How to say Happy Birthday in Welsh? Penblwydd hapus

How to pronounce it? “pehn-bloo-ith hah-pees”

99. Xhosa

Where is Xhosa spoken? Xhosa is spoken by the Xhosa people, primarily in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces. It is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa and is also spoken in Leshoto and in parts of Zimbabwe.

How to say Happy Birthday in Xhosa? Imini emandi kuwe

How to pronounce it? “ee-mee-nee eh-mahndee koo-veh”

100. Yoruba

Where is Yoruba spoken? Yoruba is not an official language but is one of the major languages in Nigeria. It is also spoken by Yoruba communities in neighboring countries, like Benin Republic, parts of Togo and Sierra Leone. Yoruba can be heard in the African diaspora in Cuba and Brazil.

How to say Happy Birthday in Yoruba? Ẹ ku ojọ ibi rẹ

How to pronounce it? “eh-koo oh-joh eeh-bee reh”

101. Zulu

Where is Zulu spoken? Zulu is spoken by the Zulu people, primarily in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. It is one of the 11 official languages of South Africa and is also spoken in Eswatini, Lesotho, Swaziland, Malawi, Mozambique and the United Kingdom.

How to say Happy Birthday in Zulu? Usuku olumnandi lokuzalwa

How to pronounce it? “oo-soo-koo o-loo-mnahn-dee loh-koo-zaahl-wah”

cupcake with white frosting and a candle for how to say Happy Birthday in other languages
Learn the phrase Happy Birthday in other languages.

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About the author: Anja

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Anja is a travel blogger and the founder of Anja on Adventure travel blog. Originally from Slovenia, she was also living in Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, and Fiji. She loves traveling to tropical destinations, as well as beach destinations with endless summer. But you can also find her eating her way through Italy or Mexico, learning about ancient cultures in Easter Island, visiting bucket list places in Peru, or taking road trips through the USA. She is passionate about world cultures, travel, maps, and puzzles. For the past 15+ years she has been traveling the globe, as a solo traveler, and as a tour guide. Her goal is to visit every tropical destination in the World. Anja On Adventure is here to provide helpful travel guides and personalized itinerary ideas to travelers that she has gathered from first-hand experience.